Registered: January 2012 Posts: 177
The advert at the bottom of the second column from R. Palmer, electrical engineer, offers to charge accumulator batteries. Accumulators were used in Hayes well into the mid 1950s--at least until all homes were 'electrified.' Those with accumulator-powered wirelesses would periodically take their glass container, with a wire carry handle, to a shop like Rowleys then at 50 Coldharbour Lane, where the sulphuric acid was exchanged or "charged." Behind the store, Rowleys used to keep the sulphuric acid in large 25-gallon (or so) very thick glass 'carboy' containers. The glass container was protected by straw matting and a metal mesh covering.
Registered: January 2012 Location: West Sussex Posts: 72
In the late 40's we used to take our accumalator to a house / shop in Shakespeare Ave for charging, the shop part was green grocery and probably other grocery items.
It was the front room of the house.
Registered: January 2012 Posts: 177
For a picture of an accumulator go here
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