Registered: January 2012 Posts: 1,748

One of three photos from From Patrick Hulbert, who writes:
As requested I have enclosed 3 photographs taken shortly after WW2 ended or during the war.
The 1st photo is that of the ladies from Hayes Farm Social Club doing their keep fit during the war. All the ladies lived in either Hayes End Drive, Blacklands Drive, Wilmar Close or Hayes End Close.
The 2nd photo is of the VE day celebrations for Hayes Farm Social Club. The tables were set up in Wimar Close, Hayes
The 3rd photo is taken at the Uxbridge Road end of Hayes End Drive. This was the 1st childrens outing after WW2 and organised by the Home Farm Social Club.
I have more photo's but many of these are of ex pupils attending re-unions organised by me and are of pupils that joined Mellow Lane School in 1949, thus known as the Mellow Lane 49'ers.