Registered: January 2012 Posts: 537
Great shot of the upper deck of a Routemaster (or maybe an RT?) too!!! Thanks. Any idea what year? I have an aunt who worked in Pickups for years.
Registered: January 2012 Posts: 177
The photo was taken June 1981. Pickups Chemists used to sell, would you believe, cameras back in the early 1950s. My Dad used to get his cameras from them "on approval"--a period of time that sometimes lasted weeks. By the way, Rowley's (record shop, and before that TVs) was just a few shops away from Pickups.
Registered: April 2012 Posts: 450
That's it!!! The part of the parade I couldn't bring back to mind.:-) Thankyou, Chris. Would you have a photo of Rowley's, too? Your photos are all so interesting.